Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Exotica Beach Depok, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

If you want to enjoy the beauty of coastal areas in Yogyakarta, where the place will we go? Surely some people would call Parangtritis. But once in a while try to Depok Beach. There, we will know that lokawisata Gudeg beaches in the City is not only Parangtritis.
To get there, from the city of Yogyakarta, way to go still in line with that to Parangtritis. There are both located in Bantul regency. Only when it reached the gate area of ??the tour, do not continue to go straight, but Take the paved trail to the right. Approximately about 1.5 miles down the village street, had arrived in Depok Beach.

At first we will see many buildings that extends los. That is the Fish Auction Place (TPI) or the fish market for the fishing communities there. In addition to TPI, will appear also terrain that is still a bit overgrown with mangrove plants. That is the space reserved as a parking area for vehicles to travelers.

Then where the beach? Be patient. From the parking area past the buildings los at TPI, the sea or the beach is not visible, although the pounding waves were already starting to sound. If you wish to immediately enjoy the beach area, we still have to walk a few hundred feet. Then observe the steps until you feel the weight of the sandy soil.

Yes, indeed landmark sand soil. If the foot has felt the grain-grain, will immediately catch the eyes of a truly refreshing sight liver. Elongated stretch of beach with a backdrop of such a vast South Sea. While successive waves splashing pulled over to present a beautiful sound in the ear.

That is shore Depok. Its location is adjacent to the beach Parangtritis, but still not Parangtritis Depok. So did the natural exotica. Even so maybe we'll see another beauty that is not in Parangtritis. At least one thing, how Depok still feels so natural life.

Instead, when it passed the location of TPI Depok, do not rush to get to the beach. But take a moment to stop. Then enjoy a moment kehirukan ongoing fishing market. Moreover, if fitted at the weekend, on Sunday, whose activity was more crowded than weekdays.

This is the first sensation. In that market, we will be able to enjoy the end of the struggle of the fishermen after a day or overnight sailing the sea. Challenging malignancy South Sea waves looking for fish to feed his family.

Then take a look at a group of women there. Some one who packed the building market stall. Berderetan peddle a variety of marine catches of fish such as pomfret, tengiri, shrimp, crabs and others. Marine catches of fishermen were then placed on a bench which extends along the market stalls.

Fish'', Bu, Mbak fish, fresh, lo. Please select which one,''said the traders of fresh fish every time a group of visitors (tourists) who pass through.

True, the visitor has become a complementary part of a market in TPI Depok. Outside the middlemen, often many of the tourists who are interested. Then after picking out the fish you want, buy it.

Fair''fresh-fresh fish. Maybe because it's just down from the boat,''said Dwi Setyaningsih, tourists from Solo.
While there are some other merchants who peddle wares in a way oprokan. Usually these traders sell fish in the form of an already mature. Especially made similar confectionary peanut brittle. There are shrimp peanut brittle, peanut brittle jingking (small black fish) and pomfret fish or tengiri also have fried.

If it were content to enjoy the life market, then you can continue the journey take a trip to the beach area. Did not take long, because only a few steps from the end of the market. And so the sea is already open, another sensation of Depok Beach will soon extend presented in front of the eye.

Indeed, there is no gig like the one in Parangtritis. But precisely this is interesting. For a walk, it feels more detail can actually enjoy every inch of the beach tourist area whose length is no more than 2 kilometers of it. While listening to waves like the edge of the area bombed endless beaches.

''I love this beach because it was so natural. Such landscapes can release a sense of fatigue. I was so always wanted to come here on weekends,''said Amber, a visitor from the city of Yogyakarta.

But first, do not forget also spread sand. Usually kids like this. They then make it as a toy to be certain forms, like a palace, or anything else as there is in his imagination. So do not be surprised, if many children who like to linger when it was playing sand.

Or there is also flying kites. On the beach has such a strong gust of wind would play a kite is a fun thing. Moreover, there are many traders who menjajakannya. Interestingly, the game kite is not only done by children but also those who've grown.

On another angle, often seen a set of young children who play with the waves being pulled over. Sometimes there who then dared to challenge the roll that does not seem fierce as in Parangtritis. Fair fishing adrenalin indeed.

If it is so, usually a faithful SAR team to monitor security will soon be reminded via a microphone for visitors not too far into the sea for safety. As for their parents, it is enough to sit looking at the open sea. Or if no one walked along the shore.

Depok beach conditions are still a lot left kealamiahannya indeed seemed never boring to look at. These cover all the sensations on offer from exotica Depok Beach.

Article Source : Suara merdeka


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